Writers who became famous in their own time, or at least admired by posterity after their death, might be turning in their graves if they saw the reality in which we live today. In fact, they would probably feel uncomfortable if they saw how different we are today from their generation back then.
Imagine, for example, Alois Jirasek.
If Alois Jirasek were to sit down at his computer today and begin writing his immortalized work, what would be waiting for him afterwards? Would he upload his Psyhlavec to some website? No one would read it. Of course, I don\’t mean to imply that those of us who spent our youth in a time when real socialism, not virtual reality, ruled the day, chewed it up with fervor: …… He put it out there and maybe some people will click on it. It\’s simply because it\’s actually a minor local conflict and not as interesting as, say, the fighting in Afghanistan, or the police intervention and fans at the last soccer game.
The same author could publish “Darkness” on the same Internet. But …… It is a good thriller, but it is too long and wordy. Cut more, thicken the plot, and perhaps…
What about the old Czech legend? Indigestible all at once, and not interesting as a sequel. And the content! The one about the girls\’ war may be appealing to feminists, but they will soon protest why the noble princess Livše was abandoned with a mediocre cultivator, and the one about Czech ancestry will be branded fake news about the immigration crisis by various dienstvies and okamra They will be branded, and environmental activists may protest the vivoyage because of the wild boar. And #MeToo will challenge the treatment of women and their universal subjugation by men.
Girasek would not succeed today. Because he could not even follow the elementary principles of writing, as known, for example, in. After all, he did not devote himself to heretical topics, but to writing fairly complex texts that exceeded the length of a good article, i.e., 1800 to 2500 words, and also discouraged today\’s readers. Then, the topic was too broad and would have rather alienated readers and would not have gained a steady readership. And not using any copywriters from an SEO firm to increase visibility would have only ended up getting the job done.
Because the readings are different now than they were in the past. And “Jirask” should also consider keeping his work to 2,000 ½ words, if possible.