Give and Take

Give and Take

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Give and Take

setkání přátel

zpětná vazba

obtěžování v práci

It\’s not human relationships, not human communication or interaction, not society as a whole = when you limit yourself to just taking or giving, you place your life disproportionately and ignore your personal time.On the other hand, if you do the first and last for the people, as from the people who allow you, you get them 11:00p.m.How to stay at work until.
setkání přátel

It\’s all about relationships

business, especially successful business, it is between yourself and the consumer, business partner or client Oh they are romantic or personal relationships, follow the same direction and the same curve and the same rules. If you lie and cheat in public or “business” life, you will definitely lie and cheat in personal life. And in that business, everything comes out.
zpětná vazba

Especially 1 is very interesting, it came up with such a paper, which later confirmed that people who are more open to others are more “donors”, whatever it is, have a much more successful career.
According to research, the main thing is never to act in the wrong direction, that is, when someone asks you for something, you immediately nod your head in the belief that karma will return it to you – that\’s not the case. Even if you decide to do good deeds for others, you need to be a little selfish. You need to say positively – well, I will help you, but here, here, and perhaps even here, but I\’m done, and you
obtěžování v práci
try the so-called five-minute good deeds every day. It does not have to be a heroic scenario and save the children from burning the orphanage.In general, it is enough only a fleeting and short display of affection and will not only reflect on your personal life and psychological state, but also the opinions that your colleagues have about you
