The name may confuse you, but it is actually a very simple fitness run. However, it is not for chasing records. It is a very slow run, usually under 30 minutes, that not only burns fat, but also provides relaxation and social interaction.
The sport is so natural to humans that it has no financial commitment (except for athletic clothes and shoes) and requires no coach or training. Anyone can breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, alternating legs at any pace.
People with musculoskeletal disorders or other serious illnesses must of course say goodbye to jogging. However, this does not apply to pensioners, pregnant women, and obese individuals. They can choose a speed that suits them or switch to a brisk walk, called walking.
Anytime, anywhere
No preparation is necessary, just put on comfortable clothes, sports shoes, and go. It doesn\’t matter if you are in the city or the countryside, summer or winter, night or day. You can run in the cold or in the dark (ideally with a headlamp and reflective material on your clothing). However, doctors do not recommend running when the thermometer is below 20 degrees Celsius.
Loner or groupie? “23]
Some runners love solitude and silence and enjoy relaxation by listening only to their own train of thought or their favorite music. Others, on the other hand, form informal groups of acquaintances or strangers with whom they converse. Having a baby or not having a babysitter doesn\’t mean you have to give up your hobby. You can follow behind a stroller on a flat road, but there are also strollers sold specifically for running, skating, and biking for children. Dog walkers can jog with their dogs on leashes, and parents can run with their little ones already on bikes. This easy, healthy sport can be done by anyone.