
Nitro Computing

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Illusions come in all sizes. When we think of magicians and wizards, we all think of a gentleman with a wand and a hat. Using a spell, he pulls a white rabbit\’s ear from the hat and turns it into a scarf, which suddenly becomes a deck, and his chosen illustrious assistant selects and memorizes […]


Feeling sad? Eat some fish!

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Feeling sad? Eat some fish!

Really! Fish are wonderful relaxers. But beware, according to recent scientific studies, even fish can be depressing! This is not a message from another world, but unfortunately a fact. Why do fish get depressed? It is due to the ignorance of their keepers. Small tanks, improper configuration in the aquarium, lack of hiding places for […]


Valentine’s Day Gifts

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Valentine’s Day Gifts

Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kershner\’s book –How to Get Along with People You Don\’t Get Along With provides some guidelines. 12] Ten types of peopleare described. and some of us have some problems because we are too tied to our habits and are unwilling to abandon them. The witty and appropriate names alone […]


Mobilní ovlivneniní

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Mobilní ovlivneniní

Sum The Michelener a Sumatnaz Ef Kvlili mobilu a internetového pipipojení. Víte z níím se vámsvíím. Experimental mechanics normální, pracující slečna, která se snaží chodit práce, abych vydydlávala peníze, mohla zaplatit nájem, jídlo, uživit kočky, také si zaplatila nějaké koníčky. Heh,poškat…Koníšky nemám,ale aspoš si zaplatit televizní programy online. Professional baseball player (pitcher). Nevším si. Protože,když […]

How to make the interior space of your car more comfortable?

For some, the car is a vehicle used occasionally to move people and things around in a more complex way; for others, it is a daily commuting tool that they can no longer imagine a small part of their lives without. Whether one spends dozens of hours behind the wheel each week or rides only […]


Rent here, rent there

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Rent here, rent there

Why buy a car when you can rent one? For example, why arrange for a van when you can rent one? This “rent rather than buy” system has spread to almost every aspect of our lives. Why would someone who only needs a car a few times a week have one? After all, such a […]


How to save

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How to save

Whether it\’s for retirement, a new kitchen, or your children\’s children, there are a few rules to follow for successful saving. They may be more or less important for everyone, but are definitely worth thinking about. Motivation When saving money, it is important to know what you want to buy with the money you save. […]

They love us without saying it out loud

Each of us is different. Some people sometimes need to listen to confessions, others get love and a sense of security, others feel that a person expresses love not in words, but in his actions.It\’s a problem when a couple gets together where she needs words and he wants to act rather than speak. Eternal […]