
Saving Money When Buying a Computer

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Saving Money When Buying a Computer

If you want to save money when buying a new machine, you have to think about what you will sacrifice. What would it be? [Speed or convenience? [or both? What can you save money on? For example,. . – Graphics card. – Heart of the computer . – ChassisRAM memory [16 – RAM memoryRAM memoryRAM […]

11 Things that Should Disappear from Your bathroom

Microplastics: Many common gels and shampoos contain small plastic particles. Wastewater treatment plants are not able to filter this so-called microplastic material, so it enters the water almost indefinitely. There they accumulate together with other toxins. At the same time, the plastic particles in the care product are completely superfluous. Recommendation: Certified natural cosmetics are […]


Jogging for everyone

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Jogging for everyone

The name may confuse you, but it is actually a very simple fitness run. However, it is not for chasing records. It is a very slow run, usually under 30 minutes, that not only burns fat, but also provides relaxation and social interaction. The sport is so natural to humans that it has no financial […]


Can we really count on them?

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Can we really count on them?

Long-lasting relationships are always admirable; it\’s nice when someone can say they\’ve been with their partner for 20+ years. I hate to brag, but I\’m one of those people. But I also know that those years are not all rosy. To get through the crises that make you wonder if it\’s worth it to keep […]


Computers around us

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Computers around us

Yes, even a mobile phone has a processor, that is, the heart of a computer, so it\’s a mini-computer. He can do a lot of things. Of course, outside the phone. Is it worse than a laptop? No, the performance is just weak. But from the notebook you will not make so many calls, because […]



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If you are not a history teacher, this is probably the first time you have come across this term.If you are not a history teacher, you do not know what it is? don\’t worry.. Neither I nor many others do. Even historians are unsure about this.There is only 1 thing for sure. Cryptea was something […]


Start earning money while you work

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Start earning money while you work

No matter how much money you make at your full-time job, there are many side jobs that can help you gain experience, not as a source of income initially. But eventually you can take it to the point where it replaces your main job. Naturally, you will have to step out of your comfort zone […]


No need to go to the office anymore

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No need to go to the office anymore

With so many people working computer-related jobs these days, it is nice to go home and take a breather from the daily computer work. However, the Internet can be used effectively at home as well. For example, it can save time in communicating with the authorities. For a very long time, i.e. since the year […]


Ancient Jewish Music

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Ancient Jewish Music

Among the ancient musical cultures, the music of the Jews was most important to European civilization. Along with the music of ancient Greece and Rome, it was the foundation of the Christian musical arts of Europe. Our culture developed and continues to develop on this foundation.Few artistic monuments of the Jewish people have survived to […]