
Workout Playgrounds Instead of Gyms

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Workout Playgrounds Instead of Gyms

What man has never visited a gym? Men of all ages are there, but usually only stay there for short periods of time because of its permanence and overcrowding. The workout playground has arrived! What is a workout playground ? Generally speaking, it is a type of outdoor gym. Playgrounds are suitable for all categories […]


Money and Cosmetic Purchasing

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Money and Cosmetic Purchasing

Cosmetics are already widely used not only by women but also by men. Their variety is wide. Do cosmetics interfere with our money? Can we buy all cosmetics at a discount? How can we save money? For example, it is best not to buy branded perfumes, or if you do, buy them when they are […]



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– The SphinxEveryone will know the statue of the Sphinx. This statue of the Sphinx has a lion\’s body with a woman\’s head. Earlier, however, these statues were made with the heads of rulers or animals. The sphinx was a symbol of mystery, but also of majesty. The sphinx, or sphinx, can take all these […]


Cursed Orkney Island

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Cursed Orkney Island

In the very north of Scotland,the Orkney Islandsare located. One of the smallest islands isAyn Hollow, translated as the Holy Isle. This island was abandoned in the 19th century due to the plague. At that time, all of the island\’s inhabitants left the island for fear of the disease, and the small island has been […]


How to contact men

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How to contact men

If a woman likes a man, she first tells her closest friends. Once the friend finds out, one of the things she will definitely want is a picture of the man. The woman casually takes a picture of the man and sends such a one to her friend, who then evaluates whether such a man […]

Large format tiles are a trend in housing

Large format tiles are very popular in interior design right now. They can be placed not only in the bathroom, but also in other parts of the apartment or house. Not only on the floor, but also on the walls of the room. Properly chosen tile decorations not only make these rooms more interesting but […]


Women vs. Men

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Women vs. Men

One of the fundamental differences between women and men is the length of fertility. In women, this ability disappears around age 50, while men can conceive at an older age. Also, when comparing the amount of muscle cells, men outnumber women by 50%. The percentage of muscle is already only 5 percent higher in males […]


Slavia Prague

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Slavia Prague

Most would probably agree when I say that Slavia Prague will be the biggest favorite to win the championship again this year. The club is unusually financially strong for the Czech Republic, the players are well rounded and have a place to go when the main players are injured, coach Trpisovski, who has long been […]

Behind the wheel with the rest of the veins.

You get into the car and drive early in the morning after a party with alcohol. Or a few hours after drinking beer after lunch. You better think about it. It is possible that alcohol remains in the blood.   There are certain risks to getting on every car. We risk becoming involved in a […]


What to see in the Adriatic

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What to see in the Adriatic

We know the Adriatic by its colloquial name, “Yadoran,” which has been etched in our memories since the days of deep totalitarianism, when the only way to warm up at sea was to go from “Jugoska” to “Yadoran.” Fortunately, these days are long gone and we have several destinations to choose from where we can […]