
How globalization affects indigenous cultures

There is no doubt that the current flow of the world is globalization. Whether we like it or not, the world is coming together and it has certain pros and cons. Of course, there are opponents to this trend. They point to the various problems and dangers that can arise in a truly globalized society. […]


Summer Jobs

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Summer Jobs

During the summer season, the number of summer jobs rapidly increases. But with the increase in seasonal offers comes the risk of making the wrong choice. And then great disappointment. The following article outlines a few pointers that everyone should follow when choosing a temporary job. Do a quick search. Many of us students suffer […]

Where do call centers get our phone numbers

Perhaps one of the most annoying things that can happen to a cell phone owner is a call from a telemarketing company trying to convince us that they have the best deal for us. However, many people ask where these companies got our number. Additionally, you may notice that they often call you by name. […]


Our Home

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Our Home

Culture. This is a very interesting topic, considering that every possible cultural event has been completely silenced for the past two years. That is why now is the time to get it going again. This year\’s cultural events are all over the place. Various festivals, concerts, and even a few balls that had to be […]


Home, sweet home!

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Home, sweet home!

I dare say that there is no precise and correct definition of the word home. It is better to say that home means different things to different people. And just because someone does not consider home to be the same thing as us does not necessarily mean that they are wrong. Everyone likes different things. […]

Perský koberec mámísto v klasickém i moderním interiéru!

Pokud chceme nášーdoomvyzdobit skutečnmm klenotem mezi koberci,vytvo siit si v bytー originálníinteriér,je dobrou volbou perskýkoberec. Jeho cena je vyčí,Ale jde o dobrou investici. “Peršany”vydrží zkrášlovat nášdomovpo dlouhé roky,přičemž jejich hodnota časem roste. Také si memeeme poíídit jen njjak men meníí kousek. I am 10dokáče dan [prostor“povznést”! Jedná se o bytovýdoplněkvyráběný tradičním způsobem z přírodních materiálů. […]


The Favourite

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The Favourite

film “The Favourite” received critical acclaim and was nominated for a total of 10 Academy Awards, including a Best Actress nomination. Or rather, Olivia Coleman, who played Queen Anne, turned in the film. 8]The film was directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, a Greek directorknown for his rather controversial films in the past. The Favouriteisa black comedyset […]


Underfloor heating

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The first aerodynamic car was created in pre-war Czechoslovakia

The production of this luxury car was tuned and tested in a wind tunnel, which was an unprecedented and completely unique practice at the time, used only for the development of aircraft structures. The sweet fruit of these tests is a streamlined body, which created great interest and sensation when presented at the Berlin Motor […]

How to choose the right cover for your cell phone

The cell phone is one of the most personal items owned by people today. It often contains not only the contact information of relatives and friends, but also favorite photos, passwords, and other things we never want to lose.It is no wonder then that many people customize their phones. Most people do so, for example, […]