What determines fashion trends

What determines fashion trends

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What determines fashion trends

We are all interested in fashion in some way, whether we want to be or not. For example, few of us go to the theater or an event in sweatpants. But we know that we don\’t make the best impression – and that\’s very important for social animals like humans. That is why we always wonder what would be the appropriate attire for the event.

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But this changes over time. For example, try going to the cinema as a man wearing a powdered wig, a colorful dress, and high-heeled shoes. You cannot avoid the stares of others, but this was the ideal attire for society hundreds of years ago, and historically speaking, it was only for a brief moment. Historically speaking, it was only a brief moment. So it is interesting to see who and how actually creates these fashions. It is not what it seems at first glance.

First of all, it must be said that these are not people whose tastes simply change over time or who simply want change. This is because clothing manufacturers and retailers obviously need to anticipate changing trends months in advance and make sure that everything is on store shelves the moment a new trend hits society. Thus, it is clear that they cannot leave it to others. On the other hand, they must be influenced by what is happening in the fashion industry.

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Therefore, it is clear that there is something behind it. And it is mainly fashion designers and industry owners who use classic promotional methods. For example, they first present the new trends in a positive light, not only in fashion magazines, but also in various media, such as television, the Internet, and various magazines. By doing so, the new style becomes known to people, who then want to buy that type of clothing.

This is a relatively simple strategy, but it works. It is one that brings in big bucks for every link in the chain. And this is true regardless of what the customer thinks.